Podcast notes – Robert Waldinger, What makes a good life (TED talk on Harvard study of adult development)


Millennial survey – 80+% said major life goal was to get rich, 50% said to become famous

What if we could watch lives unfold as they actually happen?
“Harvard study of adult development” – tracked 724 men for 75 years

60 of those men are still alive and still participating in study – most in 90s
Now they have 2000+ children

First group started as Harvard sophomores – most served in WW2
Second group were group of boys from Boston’s most troubled neighborhoods

All entered the study as teenagers

One became president of the US

Every 2 years, research staff does surveys of the participants
Draw blood, scan brains, talk to their children, videotape them talking to their wives

What’s been learned?
Clearest message: Good relationships keep us happier and healthier

Relationship lessons
1. Social connections are really good for us – family, friends, community; loneliness is toxic – they’re less happy, their brain functions and health decline sooner
2. It’s not quantity but quality of closest relationships that matter – high conflict marriages are very bad for health, perhaps even worse than divorce
3. Good relationships protect not only our bodies but our brains – secure attachments at age 80, those brains and memories stay sharper for longer

Predictors at age 50 of longevity – not health, but “how satisfied were they in their relationships” – these became the healthiest at age 80

Relationships don’t have to be smooth – but need to be able to count on each other through tough times

Those happiest in retirement – actively replaced workmates with new playmates

People who far best are those who lean into relationships – family, friends, community

Twain quote: “There isn’t time – so brief is life – for bickerings, apologies, heartburnings, callings to account. there is only time for loving – & but an instant, so to speak, for that.”

March Quotes: “The past does not repeat itself, but it rhymes” (Mark Twain)

For a full list of my favorite quotes, see here. Send me yours, I’m always looking for more.

At 15 my heart was set on learning; at 30 I stood firm; at 40 I had no more doubts; at 50 I knew the mandate of heaven; at 60 my ear was obedient; at 70 I could follow my heart’s desire without transgressing the norm. – Confucius

/** The man is so ridiculously wise and insightful…did you know the Chinese gov’t has setup Confucius Institutes around the world as an investment in soft power? **/

An intellectual giant. The world’s loss now that he’s gone. – random YouTube commenter on David Foster Wallace

/** Just started reading Infinite Jest. It is not easy. It is quite different from anything else I’ve read. DFW is clearly very smart, and a great explainer-of-things. **/

The past does not repeat itself, but it rhymes – Mark Twain

/** Another really smart man, and one who is able to tell hard truths by using humor. **/

Comparison is the thief of joy. – Teddy Roosevelt

/** Yup…desire is the root of suffering. **/

Evict your inner wussy – one of David DeAngelo’s 77 Laws of Success :)

/** I’ve had the good fortune to work with Rob Kelly, who is the former CEO of David’s company Hot Topic Media, and he clearly lives by many of these principles (whether consciously or not). Quite inspiring **/

“Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are.” – Chinese Proverb