Recent interesting articles

1. Sarah Lacy on Kleiner Perkins [link] – high-performance is difficult to maintain in a hits-driven business…

2. French cafe charges more if you’re rude [link]

French Cafe

3. Desiderata by Max Ehrmann [link] – “Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.”

4. GQ profile on Avicii [link] – article makes him look a tad douche-y, but it’s hard to blame a 23 year-old who suddenly starts making $250K a night…

5. An entrepreneur’s observations on Brazil [link] – I loved, and miss, Rio’s beaches, fun-and-carefree attitude, the farofa…

6. Korean couple starves baby to death while playing online game…raising a virtual child [link] – this says something…I’m still figuring out what

7. pmarca on bitcoin [link] – I love when he wades into a controversial topic and lays the smack down…whether long-term right or wrong, always entertaining

8. Charles Stross on his first visit to Japan [link] – beautiful writing; it’s the closest someone’s come to articulating my stream of consciousness while visiting japan

9. Japanese man refuses to believe WWII is over, defends outpost on Philippines Island for 29 years [link] – a good reminder, and framework, to face life’s challenges

Here’s a full list of interesting reads and highlights (thanks to!). Or you can view the original Ever-notebook.